App Prototype Mockup: TOLL'D
FORKaiA Internship May 2019
TOLL'D is a toll-paying mobile application whose idea for this app came from FORKaiA that would help people pay for tolls that they go through either for travel or for commuting in a big city. This app would make the hassle of digging for change to get to your next destination disappear with the push of a button.
I took that idea while interning for them and came up with not only a logo but a mockup for the app. There would be a process to register your vehicle and confirm your license and registration before proceeding. There would also be maps so you could what tolls you might have to pay on your projected route that you could pay ahead of time. Lastly, you could check your activity and see how many miles you are commuting a week and find the best option for your route as well as payment history and tolls you have previously gone through.
This app was made on Adobe programs such as XD and Photoshop. 

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